---The Doggie Oasis Blog is written by the British member of our staff, Michelle---
As part of our pleasure in talking about dogs we’re trying out the idea of writing a day care blog so that we can share some of the fun of working with dogs with a wider audience!
In case you don’t already know, Bailey, a beautiful Weimerarner mix, is our current rescue and train dog
. He’s been with us a month or so and has really become part of the Doggie Oasis family. He likes to play with such regulars as Riley the Retriever, Cosmo the big German Shepherd and many others. He has also very recently bonded with Tally the Doberman who has just started boarding with us. They make a very striking couple especially when spotted this morning having a dog nap together! Tally was actually a bit unsettled when she first arrived to board with us so it’s wonderful to see these two together and happy!
In other news, it was Boston terrier central today with 4 of the little guys with us including Facci, Sidney, Diego and Bella (who spent a lot of her time napping with Wailea in the mini room!). Luckily they all have different personalities, which made it easy to tell them apart!
We had an excellent group for playing with toys today with Casper and Roxy actually bringing the ball back to us so we could throw it for them and the others (Nina, Sidney, Avo, Shayla and Jagger)! Hopefully we had some tired dogs going home!