Also, Victoria, who has worked for Doggie Oasis for three years, is now a groomer! She starts in February; call or stop by to check out her prices. She will work Wedesday-Friday from 11am-7pm. As always, we still offer self baths for $10 and if your dog is staying with us, we will give him or her a bath for $25.
On to the good stuff, the pictures!
Boomer is on the left and Triscuit is on the right. Triscuit is our most frequent guest; she and Boomer started at Doggie Oasis as puppies together. We haven't seen Boomer in over a year, but I guess you never forget your first love, because they immediately remembered each other and began playing. Triscuit is very particular with the dogs she chooses to play with, and Boomer is the only one she ever let sit on her head and chew on her butt. Now that is love.