Doggie Oasis Day Care and Boarding

My photo
Las Vegas, NV, United States
Our official blog! Find us at 2924 Lake East Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89117. Our phone number is 702-734-DOGS.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cast: Sidney

She doesn't believe you either.

Cast: Tank

And he does not believe you.

Three Ring Circus

Three Ring Circus, originally uploaded by Doggie Oasis Daycare.

Woo! The kids loooove this toy, and it even lasted for a whole week before they tore it up completely. That has to be a new record.

As you can see, the game starts with a three-way tug-o-war but the Labs figure out they can work together. Guess who wins? I'll post the result in a later blog. =)

Okay, how cute is this?

Ethie and Keoni snuggling.

Ethie has actually calmed down quite a bit since she started coming here. When we first met her, she was a crazy whirlwind of teeth and nails and spastic energy, but she's settled now into a playful and loving dog. We love you, Ethie girl.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My boy Friday

He gives the best hugs!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Congrats, Tucker!

Tucker's been adopted! From all accounts he seems happy and content as his new dad's place. We miss you, Tucks, and hope you come and visit soon!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Angus waits ever so politely for Bingley to finish with the ball.

By the way, Angus is our new rescue and so very sweet and smart! He and Tucker have really bonded, too, as our rescues sometimes do. It will be tough to let them go, but they really do deserve homes of their own. Maybe even the same home, as brothers!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The end of the day

Like child daycare, the end of the day means tired kids and those who know their parents are coming for them soon!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cast: Bingley!