Doggie Oasis Day Care and Boarding

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Las Vegas, NV, United States
Our official blog! Find us at 2924 Lake East Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89117. Our phone number is 702-734-DOGS.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Our Rosebud (Basset Hound) here definitely has a "type." She goes for tall, dark, and Husky, if you know what I mean. When she first met Wyatt here, he was being his typical aloof self, playing a bit hard to get. Rosebud started flirting with him by swinging her butt into his legs.

Wyatt eventually started to notice her (it's hard to ignore a Basset Hound's butt swinging around trying to trip you).

Progress! Rosebud has successfully lured Wyatt into playing with her! But can she convince him to love her? The courtship continues....

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