Doggie Oasis Day Care and Boarding

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Las Vegas, NV, United States
Our official blog! Find us at 2924 Lake East Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89117. Our phone number is 702-734-DOGS.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Scenes from today, November 4, 2009 at Doggie Oasis

Maggie and Cheyenne, a sweet out of towner.

Chase and Bowzer


Lillie and Monty

Angie and Wyatt running somewhere, Chase looking on.

Everyone loves the new puppy, Bruno, including Cheyenne


Peyton Manning and Monty


Bowzer and Lillie

Time to chill for a while



Barkley taking a break in the slide.

Ethie and Maggie

Maggie and Bruno

Whoops!  Monty got himself stuck on Chase's back.

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