Doggie Oasis Day Care and Boarding

My photo
Las Vegas, NV, United States
Our official blog! Find us at 2924 Lake East Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89117. Our phone number is 702-734-DOGS.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Pictures from Thursday, Feb 11 2010

Rosebud is kind of stalking Wyatt now.


Rosebud pretended to be snuggling with me when really she was just trying to get close to Wyatt.


Our rescue, Hoagie, is such a sweetie pie.

Brody and Zelda

Brody is just a ball of fun.  He wants to play with anyone and everyone.

How can you not love this mug?






New guy Charlie.  SO ADORABLE!!!!

Ah, unrequited love.

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