Doggie Oasis Day Care and Boarding

My photo
Las Vegas, NV, United States
Our official blog! Find us at 2924 Lake East Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89117. Our phone number is 702-734-DOGS.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Some pictures from the last couple days

Normally I post a bunch of these over on our page at Facebook, but I seem to be having trouble uploading to the site right now, so you get them here! :)

So polite when they think they're getting a treat!  They're not, but they don't know that.

Tanner: King of the Slide
Riley: Princess in the tower

Macy and Brody

Puddles, Sasha, Ethie, Brody

Isn't Charlie gorgeous?

Puddles has Brody by the throat.

Bogey and Dash

Sasha and Brody

Puddles and Ethie

Rebekah and everyone.

Tanner and Bailey


Seriously, Tanner REALLY likes to stand on stuff.

Puddles grins for the camera.

Smoke, Kali, Sadie
Charlie loooooves Dash.

Sidney, ball.

Isn't Dash cute?

Dash and Charlie

Roxy gives Champ a look.

Dash and Charlie at it again.


Jagger and Friday

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